Top 10 Ethiopian Vegan Dishes to Try | የፆም ምግቦች

Top 10 Ethiopian Vegan Dishes
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Why Ethiopian Vegan Food Is the Perfect Choice for Fasting Seasons

1. Shiro Wot (Ethiopian Chickpea Stew)

shiro wot

2. Tikil Gomen (Ethiopian Cabbage Dish)

Ethiopian Tikil Gomen Served with Injera

3. Misr Kik Qey Wot (Ethiopian Red Lentil Stew)

Misir wot

4. Difin Misir Qey Wot (Ethiopian Whole Lentil Stew)

5. Azifa & Timatim Kurt (Lentil & Tomato Salad)

6. Dinich Tibs (Potato Side Dish)

Quick Potato Side Dish

7. Kariya Sing (Stuffed Jalapeños)

Stuffed Jalapeños (ቃሪያ ስንግ)

8. Pasta with Shiro Sauce (Chickpea Pasta)

Spicy Chickpeas Penne Pasta

9. Pasta with Difin Misir (Vegan Bolognese)

Vegan Spaghetti Bolognese

10. Yetsom Dulet (Mushroom Dulet)

Ethiopian Vegan Dulet

Why Ethiopian Vegan Food is Perfect for Fasting Seasons

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